Renewables Energy

Italy in 2011 produced about 82.9 TWh of electricity from renewable sources, equivalent to 24.7% of the national gross with 14.3% coming from hydro, 1.6% from geothermal, wind 2.88%, 2.78% PV, 3.2% from biomass. With these values, Italy appears to be the fifth largest producer of electricity from renewable sources in the EU-15. The Lares Energy thanks to its twenty-years of experience is able to ensure the best results for all the invest renewable energy sources in the Italian market for the best returns.


The market is encouraged through uniform tariff (feed-in-tariff) in accordance with the V Energy Bill, DM 5th july 2012.

Renewables other than the PV

The market is encouraged through the new tariff according to DM 6th july 2012.